Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Drawings to sculpture...'Skyworks'

A sculpture begins with a vision - somewhat obscure at first...maybe a shape: an arc, a triangle...that begins to 'nudge' the mind. Before long that nudging becomes a prodding and an incessant 'will to form' that requires further elaboration with pencil and paper. Sometimes it means 'jumping right in' and working in three dimensions - depending on the strength of the prodding and the wish to go 'right at it'. Here are a couple of examples of the transformation via drawing...

"Sympathy" was a visual response to reading Foucault's "Prose of the World" and the concept of the Four Similitudes. "Analogy" is quite strong with this piece as well, but I felt 'Sympathy' was the over-riding raison d'etre here...

"Pleiades" (Time Harp) began as simply an image of a large 'arc against the sky' - that continued to impress itself upon my mind, until the drawing was created. I was stuck for awhile, until one afternoon I happened to be driving a newly purchased Subaru station wagon. As I was driving, my eyes kept returning to the Subaru logo on the steering wheel. Having no idea that 'subaru' in Japanese refers to the Pleiades star cluster, I added the general structure of it to the sculpture idea, and subsequently (and serendipitously I should say), the sculpture fully manifested itself..

Friday, April 22, 2016


I'm told, and constantly reminded it seems, that a person's life is experienced as a spiral. Recurring themes and patterns present themselves as one ages, and seemingly the 'next time around' offers fresh perspectives. I can only say, that now, as I create these new pieces, I am humbled by how (seemingly with little need for understanding from my 'apparent' conscious mind) all that I have experienced to this point has been processed internally - and a new vision and understanding begins anew...